Clitoral Hoodoplasty

What is clitoral hoodoplasty?

Hoodoplasty, or Clitoral Hood Reduction, is a surgical procedure that removes excess tissue around the clitoris. The clitoris, skin to the male penis, is a highly sensitive erectile tissue in females. The tissue covering and surrounding it is called the clitoral hood or prepuce.

Why a clitoral hoodoplasty?

The clitoris primarily serves to induce sexual pleasure. Excessive enlargement of the clitoral hood can impair sexual satisfaction during intercourse. This redundant tissue may hinder adequate stimulation of the clitoris.

Moreover, an enlarged clitoral hood can cause discomfort when wearing tight clothing or during physical activities. Additionally, concerns about cosmetic appearance are common among women with this condition.

What are the risks?

The most frequently reported risks of surgery may include bleeding, infection, scarring and decreased clitoral sensation. Complications are possible but with our experience and surgical techniques they are uncommon.